New DGN2200M Netgear Router

New DGN2200M Netgear Router
If you are searching for latest gadgets so guys then you check out latest DGN2200M Netgear Router is comes with high technology and awesome features.

This new dgn2200m netgear router that combines wireless-N and ADSL2 modem with a system that uses the 3G, 4G or WiMax via an adapter USB in case we lose the main signal. That port USB we can use it to share a device connected to it with any other PC on the network.

Another strong point of this new dgn2200m netgear router, which has 4 Ethernet ports, and includes a among other tasks, monitor the expenditure of data when using a 3G connection, prioritize traffic by QoS, SPI to filter what comes into our mailbox e-mail, parental control filters or Push-N to add equipment compatible to our network more simply.

This latest gadgets dgn2200m netgear router is comes with 155 euros. Via


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