Gear4 AlarmDock Halo Alarm Clock Radio

Gear4 AlarmDock Halo Alarm Clock Radio

Do you want to know latest gadgets? If yes then check out its new Gear4 AlarmDock Halo alarm clock radio. Prior we have been seems a many clock radios but this once so nice and impressive from other. This is best or perfect device since it is controlled from user’s iPod touch or iPhone like a free smartdock application.

Gear4 AlarmDock Halo Alarm Clock Radio

The new Gear4 alarmdock halo alarm clock radio has included elegant features such as a 9 programmable preset stations FM radio, 12 / 24 hour alarm clock and so on.

Other features include a sleep countdown timer, Snooze controlling feature, music players, SmartDock compatible, and more. This latest gadgets is comes with enhanced function means you can automatically search in all FM stations in your area. Well, what you think about this Gear4 alarmdock halo alarm clock radio?

Amazing! It is launched by the Gear4.

Via: Latest gadgets


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