Recently LogicBUY has introduced its new laptop product which is built in unique and specific logic that means ideapad Y560p laptop is much reliable and memorable from other product. It is comes with 15.6” screen display and other effective features like that one gaga byte AMD Radeon HD 6570M graphics, JBL speakers with fantastic dolby home theater sound, 750GB HD, eight gaga byte DDR3 RAM, and more.
Here are all kinds of laptops available in the market but LogicBUY ideapad Y560p laptop is different from look design and functionality. For the peoples further interested in new technology and functional based LogicBUY ideapad Y560p laptop has manufactured by an intel core i7 2011 CPU. It arrives in attractive color with sleek slim design. It is comes with the cost tag at approx $1499 – $100, but with RapidDrive laptop is built in $1599 – $150.
LogicBUY ideapad Y560p laptop are designed with advance technology. Well there is no more information’s are yet available, if you want more information so please visit below link. [via]
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